Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Those fires

The recent bush fires in Victoria have shaken us all. The loss of life is tragic and unseen in our history. For those who don't know Victoria so well my family are not in those areas burnt by Saturday's fires. 

While we are helpless to restore lives lost, the LCA has launched an appeal to raise funds for those left with nothing but the clothes they wear. We can also pray for the victims who have lost family, friends, property and their community. God is not silent in these times, he speaks through his children who offer any help we can.

Grace and peace to you all.



Anonymous said...

LCC news has already requested the need for support and relief help for those victimized by these fires. We can not even imagine the devastation of fires like these.
We are thankful your family is safe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Adrian. Honey moon in Samoa was fabulous. Bought paper in Brisbane "130 dead in Vic fires" shocking. Arrived Bendigo "1/4 of Bendigo burnt" 1 death, it came within 150 metres of Mitchell's house! We are grateful.

Hi to Rebecca too. Email coming from me soon, now that the wedding and honeymoon are over, well... hopefully the honey moon lasts a while yet. There aren't many photos from Samoa, the camera got dropped, oops.

Love to you both,
Debra, Ralph and Mitchell.

Naomi said...

My prayers are with all those who have been affected by these devastating fires.

Something entirely different-
Happy Valentine's Day soon to be brother in law! Hope you had a wonderful day.