Saturday, 5 February 2011

On the edge

The view of the ocean is so changeable here.
Some days you can see Cape Le Grand and the islands in the bay,
other days it looks like we live on the edge of the world.


Rachel Esther said...

Lovely picture! (wish it was a bit bigger..) Did you edit at all?

Naomi said...

I love that about water- at home I get that feeling at times too, our little bay could be an ocean, for the lack of shore on the other side some days!

I enjoy the photo!!

Rebecca said...

It's actually pretty amazing how we look closed in sometimes when you can see the other shore and all the rocks and islands. I kind of liked how it was that day.

Naomi said...

Not that unlike the photo- a new horizon, and new scope for your days! Congrats!!!