Tuesday, 16 December 2008

The weather

Ten days ago I was ordained to be a pastor in Lutheran Church of Australia. It was a wonderful service in the Concordia Chapel and a great day. Since then my furniture and goods have been packed up by the moving company, so my rooms looks a little spartan. 

Last Sunday I preached for my first time as a Lutheran pastor and blessed the sacrament. What a day. It seems so strange, I will never again be able to say "when I'm a pastor", because I am. 

Tomorrow I'm going to Qld for 5 days to preach in the Alberton Parish where I worked as a youth intern before studying at Sem, and catch up friends and family. I will at my parents place for Christmas and the new year. Just a lazy few weeks before starting in parish. 

By the way, as predicted the temperature for ordination was perfect, 22. 

Christmas blessings to you all



Anonymous said...

Christmas blessings to you! Glad the weather was in the comfortable range for the ordination.

I hope you enjoy your space between student life and your own parish. I'm sure you'll find the days go quickly enough.

Effie said...

Merry Christmas to you too! (card sent a bit late....)

Anonymous said...

Wow what a fantastic shot, one to display proudly! Congrats to you "Pastor Kramer"! Getting used to that title by now? We want to wish you and your family a Blessed Christmas & happy times together before you set off across the country. Our SundaySchool Worship Service was cancelled tonight due to a severe storm. You'd love it here right now - no shortage of snow for Christmas! Karen,Dave,Evan & Renee

Anonymous said...


Effie said...

How's the weather now? Becky's flight leaves in T minus 1 hour (or so)...say hi to her for me!

Naomi said...


Bec is on her way! God's blessings on your holiday!