Tuesday, 14 April 2009

New toy

Since being in the parish I have been a bit of a lazy bum and have not spent much time exercising. So to fix that problem I bought a bike, a Giant Upland. I realize that buying the bike does nothing to increase how much I exercise, so i walked the 20 mins down town and rode it back, and I plan to ride it regularly.  Now it has been a while since I rode a bike so the experience was interesting, but good. I am surprised how much peddling is required to keep the machine moving forward; aluminum and rubber is surprisingly heavy. Also, I am more accustom to the performance of my Yamaha WRF 400's 65 horse power and not a bicycle powered by a single ass. 

And in case you are wondering, no I don't need to loose weight for the wedding.


Rachel Esther said...

oooh! Fancy! I hope you enjoy it. I'm still anxious about riding on roads after falling of 14 years ago! Shivers - that's half my life.

Anyway - good luck getting your ass moving!

Alex from Canada said...

You might not need to lose weight for your wedding, but I do. Aiming for a loss of approx. 8 kg between now and then.

Naomi said...

Fun stuff! Are you clocking the kms that you do on it? If my machine's computer could be trusted I'd be clocking the kms to see how long it takes me to cross an ocean to visit you. (Might be faster if I book an airplane flight, hmm?)

I was thinking of getting myself a bike, but I'm scared of some of these drivers- high speed roads near my place!

Effie said...

is a helmet required for biking in WA?

tracey k said...

Fear of city drivers (and a need for a couple cable repairs) means that I mainly admire my bike instead of using it. The traffic is too plentiful for my taste. Yes there are trails, but it could be too interesting to get to them.

Pastor Adrian Kramer said...

Yes Effie, i believe that unlike many Canadian provinces, the brains of all aged people can be damaged in a bicycle accident, not just under 14 ear olds.