Saturday, 3 November 2007

My week off pt. I

I am on my first break from vicaring and i have spent the last few days in Sudbury, 410 km north of where i live. Among the new stuff i have seen are a beaver, whoa. From watching documentaries on tv i thought a beaver was a bit bigger than a cat. Not. They are closer to a the size of a dog that has spent time in the gym and been on a steady course of steroids. For those Aussies who have seen a common wombat, that is about the size of a beaver. The one i saw was in captivity because he was found suffering from frostbite. Driving into Sudbury i could see beaver dams in the creeks on the side of the road, that is real cool. (Creek is pronounced crik by some Canadian's).

My other new animal, although he was stuffed, is a Moose. That is one big deer with a nose that is best described as a honker.

My third discovery is the Old Rock Roastery coffee shop. Canadian's love their coffee, but it is all percolated. It tastes real weak. Then if you ask for a cappuccino in a coffee shop it is a premix that really is cappuccino in name only. The Old Rock makes real cappuccino with an espresso machine. I had three yesterday. This will be my place when i am in Sudbury. I'm here now using their free wireless internet and enjoying a cappuccino, or two.

Happy working or holidaying, which ever you are doing at the moment.

All the best for those who are finishing assignments, or preparing for exams.

XO adrian


Rachel Esther said...

don't go over board on the coffee!!

Maybe you could ask them if they know someone who makes good coffee closer to where you are - if it's that rare maybe they have a network!!

I'm home from church today (i went last night) to finish an assignment that's due tomorrow. i shouldn't even be on the internet - but you know how it is!

Glad you're having a great time! And mum says hi.


Anonymous said...

Hi Adrian,
Lee Kroehn gave me your blog address as i was so envious that you were in Canada!!
Spent May in Alaska and Vancouver and loved it - 2nd trip to Van., so make sure you get to visit the West Coast. And drink lots of Starbucks for me!!! Actually got a packet of cream maple syrup biscuits from my friend in Kamloops yesterday (early Xmas pressie). Have a wonderful and blessed time over there and I will enjoy hearing all about your travels and ministry!
Cheers, Tania Wain