Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Devotion for the week

On Monday's i write a devotion for the week which i use when visiting people. So i thought i will put it on my blog each week for you to read.

Who is seeking whom?
Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was a despised man in his community. As the chief tax collector he was the head of the one organisation everybody loved to hate. Tax collectors had a poor reputation because they would add a little to the each tax bill to keep for themselves, and when people could not pay their bills the tax collectors would lend them the money at an excessive rate of interest. In Jericho Zacchaeus was small in height and status.

Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus whom he had heard so much about. In fact a crowd had gathered to see Jesus and possibly witness him perform a miracle like healing lepers (Lk 17:11-19). However Zacchaeus soon discovered that Jesus was seeking him to perform a miracle in his life. While listening to Jesus speak in his home Zacchaeus’ heart was pierced by Jesus’ words and faith was created where greed and self righteousness had reigned. Zacchaeus repented of the way he had abused his position as a tax collector and pledged to repay everyone whom he had overcharged.

Zacchaeus learned more than a moral lesson. He learned that salvation is found only in the Son of God, not in the wealth we humans can amass. As Abraham received the righteousness of God by faith, so too Zacchaeus believed that Jesus is the only way to earthly joy and eternal life. Jesus seeks us also that we may hear the good news that he alone saves us, and that we turn from our frantic attempts to bring joy to our life through accumulating goods and wealth. Jesus’ words perform the miracle of creating faith in your heart that you believe the promise he makes it true; those who believe and are baptised will be saved (Mark 16:16). You have eternal life starting here and now. May you experience the joy of salvation as Zacchaeus did, and your life be changed to reflect that joy.

God bless

ak XO

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